Our trip to Nova Scotia was incredible. Foggy, humid, and warmer than normal temperatures could not change the fact that the landscapes of Nova Scotia are just plain beautiful. We left from Portland, Maine taking the Nova Star Ferry over to Yarmouth, NS.
Portland Maine’s waterfront.
We went on an incredible whale watching trip despite pea soup fog. I got some great whale pictures that will be the subject of another post. I’m showing this one because this dolphin jumped out of the water and did a complete somersault before disappearing back into the water. I almost missed it – it happened so fast.
This little church was nearby our hotel in Grand Pre. Beautiful green fields as far as we could see.
While we were in Halls Harbor we saw a flock of plovers. We *think* they were semipalmated plovers. These little birds are so FAST and you can’t get close to them so it was a little challenging to get their pictures. After an hour of squatting down in the same spot and holding my camera with the 70-200mm lens my wrist was starting to get a little wobbly so I was glad I got few sharp pictures of these little entertaining birds.
While most days were pretty foggy from beginning to end, we were treated to a beautiful sunset on this day.
A double rainbow! You can barely see the upper one but it was there. This is an iPhone pano shot – I’d been taking pictures of the plovers when a little shower blew through. I was busy in my cramped up pretzel shape taking pictures of the plovers when a fellow wandered by and said “You’re looking the wrong way…”. I turned around and this was the view! Sometimes you just have to remember to look around no matter how focused you are on the subject at hand.
We decided to by-pass Peggy’s Point (Cove) Lighthouse. Busloads of people during the time we could get there did not sound appealing. Our B&B hostess was kind enough to suggest Blue Rocks as a nice alternative. There were very few people there, it was incredibly scenic, and we found the perfect little tiny store at the end of the road where we bought our souvenirs for the trip.
Pretty flowers that the owner left on our table at the Captain’s Quarters in Halls Harbor.
All in all, we had a great time traveling around Nova Scotia despite the unseasonable weather. This is one place we can’t wait to get back to!
Best 50th birthday trip ever!!! Oh, and good shots, too. 🙂